Its raining again

From August 2010 until mid-June 2012, the greater Rooibos growing region received very little precipitation. At Klipopmekaar, we received about 40mm of rain during the period. Its been a long dry summer … the rooibos and veld have been enduring below average moisture for the period.


On 7th & 8th June 2012 we received 56mm of rain! It was beautiful to see the veld saturate and farms rivers flooding. Our photographer friend Simon O’Callaghan happened to be at the farm and took this lovely picture (above) of one of the many spectacular waterfalls at Klipopmekaar.

Forty Hectares of Rooibos Planted Following Rains

The gods have responded to our rain dances, the dry veld has come to life again, and the wilderness and rooibos are recovering rapidly. We managed to plant 40 HA of rooibos seedlings in the week following the rains.

We plan to plant another 80 – 100 HA rooibos seedlings this winter; so we “touch wood” and hold thumbs” and continue to hope for a few more cold fronts before mid-August.

The good news is that it looks like solid rains coming our way this weekend.