This blog has been republished from the BOS Ice Tea website:
Our usually quiet(er) and vibey Woodstock hood got a major shake-up today when Michelle Obama and family decided to pop by to our beloved lunchtime spot ‘The Kitchen’ opposite BOS Africa headquarters.
Hundreds of people gathered in the streets in the pouring rain to try catch a glimpse of the U.S. First Lady (and generally regarded awesome human being) as she had her ‘casual’ lunch post her visit to the District 6 museum.
Scores of press, 5 armoured vehicles, over 20 buses and vans, and an ambulance were on call as well as plenty of body guards and secret service types keeping the crowds at bay.
Michelle O Tries BOS Ice Tea – Made With Our Rooibos!
We managed to get our spies in through the chaos to snap some photos of Michelle Obama’s lunch party trying all 5 BOS Ice Tea flavours!
The Kitchen was one of our first customers almost exactly a year ago and we’re thrilled that a year down the line this week is proving to be a significant one in the world of BOS and The Kitchen.
Congratulations to Karen Dudley and team for creating a truly one-of-a-kind restaurant that attracts famous politicians from across the world and amazing beverages from across the street! You must be doing something right!
Words by: Alice Lazarus, BOS Brands (Pty) Ltd / Image: David Mallinson